Pastor’s Support
The Pastor’s Support Ministry serves as a spiritual, financial and emotional support system for the pastor, as well as his family. Anything the pastor needs, the Pastor’s Support Ministry is there to ensure he gets it. Their goal is to ensure there is no lack for the pastor or his direct family members, including his spouse and children. The Pastor’s Support Ministry is responsible for showing emotional support and appreciation to the pastor on behalf of the other congregants. Every year in March the ministry hosts an appreciation service for the pastor and his family. The ministry also recognizes occasions such as anniversaries, birthdays, Christmas and vacations. Being a part of this ministry requires a heart and love for our Pastor and his family. It also requires the highest level of confidentiality otherwise; the pastor’s personal business and needs can become gossip among church congregants.
For more information about this ministry please contact our Ministry Head Sis. Mary B. Brown.
Connect With Us
Thank You for Your Interest in Phillip Grove Baptist Church in Waynesboro, Georgia. We Look Forward to Connecting with You.
255 Lovers Lane
Waynesboro, GA 30830 MAP
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 252
Waynesboro, GA 30830