Music Ministry
Praise & Worship Team
The focus of The Phillip Grove Praise and Worship Team is to lead the congregation and other worship participants in the singing of music which ushers them into the presence of God. The members of this ministry must have demonstrated a love for worship and praise, they must be diverse in all ranges of music, possess solid vocals to reach most octaves, and ready to worship at any given notice. Because this team is instrumental in assisting in devotion they require a strong sense of traditional hymns and ranges to the most contemporary of songs. In addition, this team is able to provoke the congregation to join them in song and lead them into corporate worship. They introduce new songs to the congregation as well as sing familiar songs to embrace participatory worship.
Senior Choir

The Senior Choir sings on the First Sunday of the month. They worship and minister to the through primarily traditional songs and hymns. Sis. Thelma Lockhart is the Administrative Ministry Head.
Gospel Choir
The Gospel Choir is the “flagship choir” of Phillip Grove. They are responsible for ministering to the congregation through song. Their repertoire includes traditional songs as well as contemporary songs. They are the choir that primarily accompanies Pastor Bing to fellowship with other churches. The administrative head for this choir is First Lady Andrea Bing.
Youth Choir
The Youth Choir is responsible for ministering through song on the fourth and fifth Sundays of the month. They also accompany Pastor Bing on fellowships with other churches. They primarily minister through contemporary songs. The youth choir is one of the largest in Burke County. Minister of Music Chandra Johnson serves as the Ministry Head for this choir.
Connect With Us
Thank You for Your Interest in Phillip Grove Baptist Church in Waynesboro, Georgia. We Look Forward to Connecting with You.
255 Lovers Lane
Waynesboro, GA 30830 MAP
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 252
Waynesboro, GA 30830